Wednesday 21 November 2012

Fashion Photography Websites

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Fashion Photography Websites Biography
The American television show Biography is one of the most popular shows on the A&E Network. Now in its thirteenth season, it is also one of the longest running documentary television programs. It offers new thematic prime-time programming, from Great Women, Great Entertainers, Wealth & Power, Action Heroes, Lives of Crime, Leaders & Legends, to Lifespan - a four-hour Sunday evening special on one of civilization's greatest figures. The show has an impressive companion website, with detailed biographies of more than 25,000 people. Each biography includes a chronological list of achievements, and links to other biographies of "related people."

A website that celebrates the people and organizations that have been awarded the Nobel Peace Prize. The site includes biographies, nobel peace lectures, articles written by Nobel Laureates and links to other relevant resources. Prize winners featured include Jean Henri Dunant (1901), William Randal Cremer (1903), Theodore Roosevelt (1906), Elihu Root (1912), Woodrow Wilson (1919), Gustav Stresemann (1926), Jane Addams (1931), Arthur Henderson (1934), Cordell Hull (1945), Emily Balch (1946), Albert Schweitzer (1952), Martin Luther King Jr (1964), Mother Teresa (1979) and Nelson Mandella (1993).

 This is one of the excellent websites produced by Rod Hampton and Seth Fox of Britannia. The site contains biographies and portraits of the sixty-nine kings and queens who have ruled England since 829. There is also a detailed account of Oliver Cromwell's period in power. The kings and queens are listed in the order of accession and this appears by the side of a two-page overview of the British monarchy. There are usually two or three pages of information on each of the monarchs. Relevant links with other websites appear next to the biographies. A beautifully designed and easy to use website.

  A comprehensive collection of material about the US Presidents and the history of the presidency. This web site features essays about the President's life before, during, and after each presidential term. It additionally provides information about the First Lady and cabinet officials of each administration. A collection of essays on the President at Work delves into the function, responsibilities, and organization of the modern presidency and traces the history and evolution of presidential duties.

 Created by Mike Chapman, the Victoria Cross website is dedicated to the 1354 people who have been awarded this medal since 1856. There are sections on all the military campaigns since the Crimean War. The section on the First World War is particularly impressive and visitors can access information about the 624 men who won the Victoria Cross between 1914-18. This includes details of the deed and location of the medal. Entries are also listed by regiment, rank, campaign and nationality.

This website provides profiles of the hundred people selected by Time Magazine as the most influential in the 20th Century. The biographies are organized under five fields of endeavor: Leaders & Revolutionaries, Artists & Entertainers, Builders & Titans, Scientists & Thinkers and Heroes & Icons. Other sections include Person of the Century, Phonies & Frauds, Event of the Century and the 100 Worst Ideas.

 Biographies of over hundred important people born in Scotland. People featured include George Birkbeck, Henry Brougham, John Buchan, Thomas Carlyle, Andrew Carnegie, Arthur Conan Doyle, John Bruce Glasier, Helen Gwynne-Vaughan, Keir Hardie, David Octavius Hill, Joseph Hume, Jennie Lee, John MacAdam, Mary Macarthur, Ramsay MacDonald, Margaret McMillan, John Menzies, Thomas Muir, Allan Pinkerton, Allan Ramsay, John Reith, Marie Stopes, Thomas Telford and James Watt.

Encyclopedia Titanica: This website is a unique resource for anyone interested in the Titanic. Over 2,100 individual passenger and crew biographies, regularly updated passenger and crew listings, exclusive research articles and ongoing discussions about the Titanic.

 In May of 1997, the US Biographies project was organized by Jeff Murphy, using the established KY Biographies Project as a model. State coordinators were then sought to set up their own state project. So far there are projects taking place in Arizona, Arkansas, California, Connecticut, Delaware, Georgia, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Missouri, Nebraska, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, Ohio, Oregon, Pennsylvania, South Carolina, Texas, Vermont, Virginia, Washington, West Virginia and Wisconsin. If you wish to volunteer to assist in entering or editing biographies for a particular state, please contact Deb Murray, the US Biographies project coordinator.

This website provides biographies of the most influential military leaders of all time. This includes biographies of George Washington, Napoleon, Alexander the Great, Genghis Khan, Julius Ceasar, Gustavus Adolphus, Francisco Pizarro, Hernando Cortés, Cyrus the Great, Simon Bolivar, William the Conqueror, Frederick the Great, Attila the Hun, George Marshall, Dwight Eisenhower, Oliver Cromwell, Sun Tzu, Hannibal, Eugene of Savoy, Horatio Nelson, Vo Nguyen Giap, Scipio Africanus, John Pershing and the Duke of Wellington.

A collection of obituaries of men who played a significant role in the Second World War. The obituaries originally appeared in the Daily Telegraph and The Times and includes figures such as Johnnie Johnson, Leo Marks, Patrick Porteous, Geoffrey Page, Marcus Oliphant, Charles Merritt, Vera Atkins, Thomas Ferebee, Jean Pierre Bloch, Harriet Waddy, Telford Taylor and John Howard.

A large collection of Tudor biographies including Kate Ashley, Thomas Audley, Anthony Babington, Anthony Bacon, Francis Bacon, Charles Blount, George Boleyn, Mary Boleyn, Thomas Boleyn, Eleanor Brandon, Frances Brandon, Arthur Brooke, Anthony Browne, Thomas Butler, Edmund Campion, George Carew, Robert Carey, Adriano Castelli, Robert Catesby, Robert Cecil, William Cecil, Anne Clifford, Henry Compton, Thomas Cranmer, Thomas Cromwell, Robert Devereux, Everard Digby, Francis Drake, John Dudley, Robert Dudley, William Fiennes, John Gerard, Hugh O´Neill, Mathew Parker, Thomas Sackville, Edward Seymour and Mary Sidney.

A collection of biographies of black people who lived in Britain. This includes John Alcindor, Ira Aldridge, John Archer, Francis Barber, Manchererjee Bhownaggree, George Bridgetower, Learie Constantine, William Cuffay, Offobah Cugoano, William Davidson, Celestine Edwards, Olaudah Equiano, Marcus Garvey, C. L. R. James, Claude McKay, Tom Molineaux, Harold Moody, Dadabhai Naoroji, George Padmore, James Peters, Bill Richmond, Paul Robeson, Shapurji Saklatvala, Innatius Sancho, Mary Seacole, Samuel Coleridge Taylor, Walter Tull, Robert Wedderburn, Arthur Wharton and Sylvester Williams.

A collection of biographies of those people who played an important role in the history of aviation. This includes Clément Ader, William Bland, Frederick Brearey, Jean-Marie Le Bris, George Cayley, Octave Chanute, Glenn Curtiss, Henri Giffard, Lawrence Hargrave, William Henson, Otto Lilienthal, Etienne-Jules Marey, Louis Mouillard, Thomas Moy, Alexander Mozhaisky, Alphonse Pénaud, Horatio Phillips, Percy Pilcher, Charles Renard, John Stringfellow, Emmanuel Swedenborg, Victor Tatin, Felix du Temple de la Croix, Nikolaj Teleshov, Thomas Walker, Francis Wenham, John Wise and Wilbur & Orville Wright. 

Fashion Photography Websites
Fashion Photography Websites
Fashion Photography Websites
Fashion Photography Websites
Fashion Photography Websites
Fashion Photography Websites
Fashion Photography Websites
Fashion Photography Websites
Fashion Photography Websites
Fashion Photography Websites
        Fashion Photography Websites         

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